Saturday 27 October 2012

hey you.

first love act hard to forget.
yess, i admit it.
aku pelik macam mana kau boleh turn jd macam now
okayy, at least for a friend kan ?

since kau sent that last text,
sumpah its hurt me.
seriously, i tak berharap langsung yg we will be back together
just nak be a friend of you.
okayy, aku takkan contact kau dah
selamat tinggal KAWAN :')

Monday 8 October 2012


yg kereta tu actually,
it all about RUGBY :(

8.10 am : cikgu datang bilik aku bawak strecher 
8.40 am : sampai klinik
9.50 am : jumpe doktor and he said,

tisu lutut aku koyak and it need 2 months for recovery.
argghhh. i need my leg back.
sakit GILA BAB* tau tak !
kbye -.-"

Sunday 7 October 2012

Cik Tembam :p

wanie :)

the specky one :)
one question, TEMBAM tak ?
just joke :p

-bajet manje

im glad you're here.
walaupun you selalu kutuk i pendek.
tp pendek pendek i pun tinggi 2cm dari you jugak :p
no matter what happen. 
jangan menghilang okay :)

Friday 5 October 2012



kau faham tak ape maksud words kat atas ni ?
recently there a guys name H******
one of Facebook user ask me

H : adik nak buat duit tak ?
Me : boleh lah jugak. macam mane ?
H : deal senang je. tp dgan abg lah.
Me : yelah, ape nye ?
H : tp adik bg lah dulu no akaun. nak bank in duit kat adik.
Me : nak buat ape bank in duit now ?
macam pelik je abg ni
H : act abg nak buat web cam dgan adik. okay lah
abg ngaku abg ni GAY

aku budak jahat tp jahat jahat pun,
aku tak GAY
kbye t(-.-t)

College Lifestyle :)

Nampak je bergaya 
tp seriously PANAS tak bertahap time ni.

ni pulak my classmate.
the last Physics Experiment for Sem 1
from right,
and lastly it was me
Speedokiddo :)

#muka-muka bakal ENGINEER.
amin :)

Cuci mata :)

Yang ni memang tak pasal,
tengah selongkar folder cari note tiba tiba terjumpa pic ni
Bro Jazlan and Kak Zana.
sweet kan ? 
aku tau tuu.

wedding cost, almost RM 70,000
bukan niat nak menggatal ehh post pic ni. 
actually just nak cakap yg aku boleh buat lg GRAND dari wedding ni
kene blajar dulu lah. adoi
balik balik BELAJAR,
balik balik BUKU,
tp okay ape. aku kan rajin. 
okayy, dah start mengarut.
Kbye :p

Sweet Memories :')

Sweet Memory 1

Sweet Memory 2

Okay, name dia ni Azliana Ramli
Date of relationship
3rd Sept 2009 - 27th July 2012
almost 3 years
terbengkalai di tengah jalan. HAHA
take care okay
goodluck SPM
kbye :)


comel ahh budak ni.
seriously macam aku time kecik kecik dulu
thats why lah now ni rase macam pandai je.
padahal ape pun tak boleh. adoi

haa. same je kan muka aku time kecik and now.
sumpah STRESS doe hidup kat MATRIK ni
assignment bertimbun
subtopic and formula pun taknak kalah
last last aku jugak yang kene MENGALAH
its okay, i know i can
do pray for me yeahh :)
4.0 flat in my hand. Amin

Thursday 4 October 2012

Childish Kiddo

This is Childish Kiddo
sebelum ni asyik bace blog orang je, then now lets have it by my own

Eighteen years old
3rd march 1994
Pahang region
just an ordinary student.

lets have some FUN buddy :)